
Kyrn B.

Ambassador at Louisiana State University at Alexandria

Class of 2027

Hometown: Alexandria, LA

Major: Professional Aviation

My advice to incoming students is...

To use your resources. If you have any questions or worries, ask someone. Our staff, faculty and even students are willing to help anyone in need.

My favorite spot on campus is...

Is definitely the Bolton library. I can go in there to do schoolwork or rest if needed. It provides the perfect isolation space for me that I use to study, nap, and chill.

The highlight of my college experience at LSUA has been...

Flying planes and learning about aviation. I cannot believe I am on my way to achieving my private pilot license and more!

My favorite campus tradition is...

Tank fest. The activities, the environment, and the people make it so fun. The food is also very delicious.

I'm involved with...

LSUA Ambassadors
View all team members for Louisiana State University at Alexandria