
Carolina Q.

Ambassador at Louisiana State University at Alexandria

Class of 2025

Hometown: Hessen, Germany

Major: Mathematics

Concentration: Actuarial Science

I chose LSUA because...

Everyone here has been very welcoming from the start and even after three years at LSUA it never changed. LSUA also has a good athletic program and is the most affordable 4-year college in Louisiana.

My favorite spot on campus is...

Definitely the soccer field! This is where I can follow my passion and support my teammates.

My favorite campus tradition is...

Christmas on the Quad! Nothing beats hot chocolate, Christmas music and fire works.

My advice to incoming students is...

Join student organizations! College can be intimidating at the beginning, but when you make friends and get to know other students, it is a lot more fun.

I'm passionate about...

Soccer Food

I'm involved with...

IAM Vice President Robotics Flag Football Residential Assistant Soccer
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