
Casey M.

Ambassador at Louisiana State University at Alexandria

Class of 2027

Hometown: Gonzales, LA

Major: Nursing

Concentration: N/A

Secondary Major: N/A

Minor: N/A

My advice to incoming students is...

put yourself out there. Don't let fear of failure or not making friends limit your experience. This is the opportunity to write a new chapter and be the best you can be!

My favorite spot on campus is...

the Fort! The student section gets wild for basketball games. You can feel the energy when you walk in.

The highlight of my college experience at LSUA has been...

starting nursing clinicals. I've really enjoyed being in the clinical setting and getting that "hands-on" experience. It has not only reinforced my career choice, but I also feel like I'm getting the best training possible to be the best nurse I can be.

I'm passionate about...

Working Out

I'm involved with...

Rotoract Honors Ambassador
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